Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Naughty 9 Months

Happy 9 Months!

Sweet Avery is 9 Months old and she.is.a.mess! Avery is crawling and FAST, so there is hope for me yet to lose 10 more pounds! ;0) She is also pulling up on everything, which is scary because she tries to pull up on things that aren't very stable. She has found the stairs...not good. She loves unpacking and pulling out ALL her toys. One is just not enough! Is it bad we put her in the pack in play to play when we are cooking, etc? Isn't that what it's for? Just this past week Avery has starting cruising...she's not fast at that yet! Just practicing!

Taking her toys out!

Unpacking from the weekend!

So...not only is she a mover...she is a TALKER! Kyle loves to teach her new words, she is saying "Dada, Dog, Ball, Bye, Hey, oh (for uh-oh), and momma (only a few times). She waves when she says Hey and Bye. It's soooo cute! This past weekend we were at Five Guys with Kyle's family and every time someone walked in the door Avery would Wave and say "Hey." It was HILARIOUS!

Saying her Favorite word...BALL!

The Ball Avery threw a fit over at Dick's, soooo Momma bought it for her. I was one of those Moms and gave in!

Avery is wearing 12 month clothes and size 3 diaper. She eats so good and loves her food! Avery takes 2 naps a day which range from 1hour-2hours (it's wonderful) and she isn't giving me fits anymore, she goes right to sleep!

This summer has been so much fun! We play and play, go to the pool, music class, play dates, walks, shopping, and a few road trips here and there. In July Avery is going to meet her Great-grandparents in Florida and go on her first plane ride. We are also going to Disney with Kyle's parents. We are so excited! Have a fabulous Summer friends! Happy 9 Months Avery Jane, we love you very very much!


Searchforserenity said...


She is adorable and amazing. It sounds like a perfect summer for you all! Super exciting.

Amy said...

I can't believe she is nine months old!!! We need to get together soon. She looks JUST LIKE KYLE in that last picture!

Rebekah said...

Happy 9 months to Avery! She's so beautiful!

And Hampton goes in the pack n play while I cook and stuff like that. He has to or I would never get anything cooked or burn it all!