Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy 1st Father's Day!

Today was Kyle's first Father's Day and he deserves a day all about him (and so does my Dad and my Father-in-law, Ron)! ALL wonderful men and great Dads!

Kyle is truly a wonderful Dad and loves his girls very much. He loves to play with Avery, teach her new words and skills, feed her, and bath her. He spends a lot of time with her and she LOVES her Daddy! Avery lights up when she sees him and talks and talks to him! The only thing Kyle says he is not good at is....changing poopy diapers, the question is, is he not good at it or does he not want to do it? Ha! I think he does just fine! Kyle received a gift from me and from Avery! I bought him a game from Dick's that we can take to the beach, tailgate, etc. And, Avery got him cologne from Banana Republic, she even picked it out!

Happy Father's Day Kyle! We love you!